Everything begins with an idea.

Do you have an idea you want to share with us? We have the environment. We need words. We need IDEAS!

Nominate a speaker/performer for TEDxNITTrichy’17

 Click here!

About Us

TEDxNITTrichy Speaks! is the medium through which we articulate our fundamental values and vision by providing unique perspective on issues that matter; issues that directly impact our local as well as global community. We recognise our role as enablers and doers, and a large part of that involves bringing novel ideas to light in a refreshing manner. Our blog aims to present quality articles with valuable takeaways, as well reflect our passion to explore the patterns and nuances of the world around us.  Continue reading “About Us”

What’s New

Market your TEDx!

A spectacular TEDx conference banks on speakers delivering worthy ideas, and it isn’t always so. Nobody wants to admit that a TEDx talk can be dull, but let’s face it: we can’t sit through many of them, and that might be an understatement. However, a TEDx conference is never solely about the ideas; it is just as much about the audience, and money hardly fails to impress. Continue reading “Market your TEDx!”

In Their Words

The topic was interesting and the speakers’ content was great!

Aadhitthyaa H.

Well scheduled and professionally organised, I liked the fact that we could directly interact with and ask questions to the speakers. An impressive show with strong messages: looking forward for another TEDxperience!

Aakash Bhatt